The Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act 2019 (“Act”) and the following subsidiary legislation came into operation on 2 October 2019:
The Act aims primarily to prevent the electronic communication of false statements of fact (“falsehoods”) in Singapore and enable measures to be taken to counteract the effects of such communication. A new Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act Office (“POFMA Office”) within the Info-communications Media Development Authority (“IMDA”) has been established as the Competent Authority to administer the Act. There is also a new POFMA Office website which has been set up at
(Please click on the relevant titles to read further)
The Act is part of a multi-pronged, whole-of-nation response recommended by the Select Committee on Deliberate Online Falsehoods - Causes, Consequences and Countermeasures (“Select Committee”) to disrupt online falsehoods. By way of background, the Select Committee was appointed by Parliament in January 2018 to study the problem of deliberate online falsehoods and to recommend how Singapore should respond. Chaired by Deputy Speaker of Parliament Mr Charles Chong, the Select Committee consisted of nine Members of Parliament including the current Senior Minister of State for Law and Health, Mr Edwin Tong, SC who was a Partner of Allen & Gledhill during the Select Committee hearings. Allen & Gledhill Partner and Head of Intellectual Property Practice, Dr Stanley Lai, SC, also gave evidence before the Select Committee.
Reference materials
The Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act and related subsidiary legislation is available from the Singapore Statutes Online website