Sample church volunteer contract
Thanks so much for signing up to serve with a Trailhead volunteer team! We can’t wait to get you plugged in, using your gifts, and connecting with others! We know that the most effective teams are unified by a common vision and clear expectations. To help set you up for success, we’ve created the volunteer agreement below. This agreement explains what you can expect out of Trailhead Church, and what will be expected of you as a volunteer. You can also Thanks again for serving!
I. The success of the relationship between Trailhead Church and its volunteers is based on the principle of exchange.
A. Trailhead Church promises to provide:
- Teaching of the Word of God.
- An environment of purity (by confronting issues of immorality and unrepentant sin).
- Opportunities for fellowship with likeminded Christians.
- A genuine worship experience that is Christ-centered.
- Pastoral care through hospital visits, biblical counseling, prayer support, funeral services, etc.
B. Volunteers promise to provide:
- An attitude of trust and support toward Trailhead Church leadership.
- Regular church attendance and participation in worship services.
- Completion of volunteer assignments as scheduled (promptness and faithfulness are crucial to a successful volunteer ministry, as God has called us to serve in His kingdom with excellence and integrity).
II. Trailhead Church maintains a ministry-led style of church government.
A. Trailhead Church is governed by the Senior Pastor and Executive Staff, not the laity. There is no congregational vote on any matter.
B. Ministry leaders pledge to live a godly lifestyle, accountable to the entire church community.
C. Volunteers are invited to make constructive suggestions to improve the ministry but are asked to do so in a polite, constructive, and positive manner.
III. Trailhead church and its volunteers agree to manage conflict in a civil and Christ-like manner.
A. Volunteers are expected to:
- Refrain from making critical remarks about Trailhead Church to other volunteers or attendees.
- Give Trailhead Church the benefit of the doubt.
- Hear both sides of an issue before making judgments.
- Refrain from participating in gossip, strife, dissension, or division as these sins erode relationships and create distrust.
- Contact the volunteer coordinator, a volunteer leader, or a staff member if there is a problem.
B. Interactions with Trailhead Church staff will be conducted in a civil manner.
- Belligerent outbursts will not be tolerated.
- Staff will handle disciplinary matters and conflicts in a firm but civil manner.
C. Volunteers and/or families who are consistently disagreeable, degrading, or counterproductive will be asked to leave the situation, volunteer area, or church, depending upon the severity of the situation.
D. Trailhead Church expects volunteers to withdraw from volunteering in an agreeable manner in the event of an unresolved dispute or when, for any reason, a volunteer feels the need to take a break from serving.
IV. Volunteers understand that their lifestyles reflect upon Trailhead Church and its congregation.
A. Biblical standards of behavior should be upheld during church events as well as in our personal and private lives, avoiding all appearances of evil.
V. Volunteers agree to seek growth for the church, themselves, and those around them.
A. Volunteers agree to seek growth in the following ways:
- Discover and nurture your gifts and talents.
- Support and affirm the gifts and ministries of others.
- Invite those without a church home into our ministry.
- Pray for our church, ministry leaders, and our community.
- Be fully committed to the vision of Trailhead Church and give financially toward that vision.