VMware Engine API

The Google VMware Engine API lets you programmatically manage VMware environments.

Service: vmwareengine.googleapis.com

Service endpoint

A service endpoint is a base URL that specifies the network address of an API service. One service might have multiple service endpoints. This service has the following service endpoint and all URIs below are relative to this service endpoint:

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations

get GET /v1/
Gets information about a location.
list GET /v1//locations
Lists information about the supported locations for this service.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.global

getDnsBindPermission GET /v1/
Gets all the principals having bind permission on the intranet VPC associated with the consumer project granted by the Grant API.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.global.dnsBindPermission

grant POST /v1/:grant
Grants the bind permission to the customer provided principal(user / service account) to bind their DNS zone with the intranet VPC associated with the project.
revoke POST /v1/:revoke
Revokes the bind permission from the customer provided principal(user / service account) on the intranet VPC associated with the consumer project.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.global.networkPeerings

create POST /v1//networkPeerings
Creates a new network peering between the peer network and VMware Engine network provided in a NetworkPeering resource.
delete DELETE /v1/
Deletes a NetworkPeering resource.
get GET /v1/
Retrieves a NetworkPeering resource by its resource name.
list GET /v1//networkPeerings
Lists NetworkPeering resources in a given project.
patch PATCH /v1/
Modifies a NetworkPeering resource.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.global.networkPeerings.peeringRoutes

list GET /v1//peeringRoutes
Lists the network peering routes exchanged over a peering connection.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.networkPolicies

create POST /v1//networkPolicies
Creates a new network policy in a given VMware Engine network of a project and location (region).
delete DELETE /v1/
Deletes a NetworkPolicy resource.
fetchExternalAddresses GET /v1/:fetchExternalAddresses
Lists external IP addresses assigned to VMware workload VMs within the scope of the given network policy.
get GET /v1/
Retrieves a NetworkPolicy resource by its resource name.
list GET /v1//networkPolicies
Lists NetworkPolicy resources in a specified project and location.
patch PATCH /v1/
Modifies a NetworkPolicy resource.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.networkPolicies.externalAccessRules

create POST /v1//externalAccessRules
Creates a new external access rule in a given network policy.
delete DELETE /v1/
Deletes a single external access rule.
get GET /v1/
Gets details of a single external access rule.
list GET /v1//externalAccessRules
Lists ExternalAccessRule resources in the specified network policy.
patch PATCH /v1/
Updates the parameters of a single external access rule.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.nodeTypes

get GET /v1/
Gets details of a single NodeType .
list GET /v1//nodeTypes
Lists node types

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.operations

delete DELETE /v1/
Deletes a long-running operation.
get GET /v1/
Gets the latest state of a long-running operation.
list GET /v1//operations
Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.privateClouds

create POST /v1//privateClouds
Creates a new PrivateCloud resource in a given project and location.
delete DELETE /v1/
Schedules a PrivateCloud resource for deletion.
get GET /v1/
Retrieves a PrivateCloud resource by its resource name.
getDnsForwarding GET /v1/
Gets details of the DnsForwarding config.
getIamPolicy GET /v1/:getIamPolicy
Gets the access control policy for a resource.
list GET /v1//privateClouds
Lists PrivateCloud resources in a given project and location.
patch PATCH /v1/
Modifies a PrivateCloud resource.
resetNsxCredentials POST /v1/:resetNsxCredentials
Resets credentials of the NSX appliance.
resetVcenterCredentials POST /v1/:resetVcenterCredentials
Resets credentials of the Vcenter appliance.
setIamPolicy POST /v1/:setIamPolicy
Sets the access control policy on the specified resource.
showNsxCredentials GET /v1/:showNsxCredentials
Gets details of credentials for NSX appliance.
showVcenterCredentials GET /v1/:showVcenterCredentials
Gets details of credentials for Vcenter appliance.
testIamPermissions POST /v1/:testIamPermissions
Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource.
undelete POST /v1/:undelete
Restores a private cloud that was previously scheduled for deletion by DeletePrivateCloud .
updateDnsForwarding PATCH /v1/
Updates the parameters of the DnsForwarding config, like associated domains.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.privateClouds.clusters

create POST /v1//clusters
Creates a new cluster in a given private cloud.
delete DELETE /v1/
Deletes a Cluster resource.
get GET /v1/
Retrieves a Cluster resource by its resource name.
getIamPolicy GET /v1/:getIamPolicy
Gets the access control policy for a resource.
list GET /v1//clusters
Lists Cluster resources in a given private cloud.
patch PATCH /v1/
Modifies a Cluster resource.
setIamPolicy POST /v1/:setIamPolicy
Sets the access control policy on the specified resource.
testIamPermissions POST /v1/:testIamPermissions
Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.privateClouds.clusters.nodes

get GET /v1/
Gets details of a single node.
list GET /v1//nodes
Lists nodes in a given cluster.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.privateClouds.externalAddresses

create POST /v1//externalAddresses
Creates a new ExternalAddress resource in a given private cloud.
delete DELETE /v1/
Deletes a single external IP address.
get GET /v1/
Gets details of a single external IP address.
list GET /v1//externalAddresses
Lists external IP addresses assigned to VMware workload VMs in a given private cloud.
patch PATCH /v1/
Updates the parameters of a single external IP address.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.privateClouds.hcxActivationKeys

create POST /v1//hcxActivationKeys
Creates a new HCX activation key in a given private cloud.
get GET /v1/
Retrieves a HcxActivationKey resource by its resource name.
getIamPolicy GET /v1/:getIamPolicy
Gets the access control policy for a resource.
list GET /v1//hcxActivationKeys
Lists HcxActivationKey resources in a given private cloud.
setIamPolicy POST /v1/:setIamPolicy
Sets the access control policy on the specified resource.
testIamPermissions POST /v1/:testIamPermissions
Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.privateClouds.loggingServers

create POST /v1//loggingServers
Create a new logging server for a given private cloud.
delete DELETE /v1/
Deletes a single logging server.
get GET /v1/
Gets details of a logging server.
list GET /v1//loggingServers
Lists logging servers configured for a given private cloud.
patch PATCH /v1/
Updates the parameters of a single logging server.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.privateClouds.managementDnsZoneBindings

create POST /v1//managementDnsZoneBindings
Creates a new ManagementDnsZoneBinding resource in a private cloud.
delete DELETE /v1/
Deletes a ManagementDnsZoneBinding resource.
get GET /v1/
Retrieves a 'ManagementDnsZoneBinding' resource by its resource name.
list GET /v1//managementDnsZoneBindings
Lists Consumer VPCs bound to Management DNS Zone of a given private cloud.
patch PATCH /v1/
Updates a ManagementDnsZoneBinding resource.
repair POST /v1/:repair
Retries to create a ManagementDnsZoneBinding resource that is in failed state.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.privateClouds.subnets

get GET /v1/
Gets details of a single subnet.
list GET /v1//subnets
Lists subnets in a given private cloud.
patch PATCH /v1/
Updates the parameters of a single subnet.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.privateConnections

create POST /v1//privateConnections
Creates a new private connection that can be used for accessing private Clouds.
delete DELETE /v1/
Deletes a PrivateConnection resource.
get GET /v1/
Retrieves a PrivateConnection resource by its resource name.
list GET /v1//privateConnections
Lists PrivateConnection resources in a given project and location.
patch PATCH /v1/
Modifies a PrivateConnection resource.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.privateConnections.peeringRoutes

list GET /v1//peeringRoutes
Lists the private connection routes exchanged over a peering connection.

REST Resource: v1.projects.locations.vmwareEngineNetworks

create POST /v1//vmwareEngineNetworks
Creates a new VMware Engine network that can be used by a private cloud.
delete DELETE /v1/
Deletes a VmwareEngineNetwork resource.
get GET /v1/
Retrieves a VmwareEngineNetwork resource by its resource name.
list GET /v1//vmwareEngineNetworks
Lists VmwareEngineNetwork resources in a given project and location.
patch PATCH /v1/
Modifies a VMware Engine network resource.
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Last updated 2023-11-14 UTC.